My name is Paolo Gnasso and I am a pharmacist at the Teresiane pharmacies in Mantua.

After graduating from high school, I obtained my first degree in Pharmacy from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2012; more recently, in 2019, I obtained a second Master's degree in Molecular Biology, Health and Nutrition from the University of Urbino and following these qualifications I became a Pharmacist and Nutrition Biologist after passing the respective state exams. I firmly believe that the role of the pharmacist today is constantly evolving and that the pharmacy is increasingly becoming a hub in the world of healthcare, always present in the area and increasingly crucial in the treatment, taking charge, management and control of the correct therapeutic adherence of the patient, an all-round job that goes well beyond the mere dispensing of medicines, carrying out primary prevention, implemented also with the aid of innovative tele-medicine equipment and carrying out galenic preparations, in an interesting combination of past and future. This is a profession that still today, as in past centuries, has an important role in the social fabric. 

Outside of work, my main passion is music: piano and guitar are my favourite instruments.

I consider myself an incurable dreamer.

The animal that best represents me is the Labrador, the tender companion.