How to treat psoriatic skin on a daily basis? Here are some tips!

How to treat psoriatic skin on a daily basis? Here are some tips!

On the occasion of World Psoriasis Day, we at Pharmacies.

Teresians we want to give you some pointers on how we can deal with

Of psoriatic skin in daily life.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is

Manifests with ispsexite areas, covered with whitish scales

That can cause itching.

Its triggering results from, in addition to a genetic predisposition,

by the interaction with predisposing factors such as: stress, smoking, alcohol,

infections, physical trauma, and the use of certain medications.

To keep skin inflammation under control in the subject

psoriatic we can implement some measures, such as:

- Use oil-based products or products with surfactants as detergents

Delicates that respect the biofilm and do not dry out the skin

- Keep skin moisturized with emollient creams containing acid

salicylic or urea which, due to their keratinolytic properties,

promote an exfoliation of the skin and at the same time allow a

deep hydration by promoting the healing of any cracks.

