Protect yourself with our FFP2 masks!
Protect yourself with our FFP2 masks!
In addition to the FFP2 masks at the reduced price of 0,75€ each (Made in China, white or black), you can find other comfortable and accurate FFP2 models Made in Italy:
-MASKITA in packs of 5 masks at €7.50 in blue, black and white.
-IG MASKS suitable for the whole family in sizes JuniorSmall, Medium and Large, they cost 2,00€ each and are available in different colours, blue, white, grey, green.
FFP3 masks have also arrived, very comfortable and with a more protective surface, in sizes M and L for 3€ each.
San Raffaele Pharmacy
Via Verona, 35
46100 Mantova
Phone 0376 399949
fax. 0376 393757
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